I used the Headphones/Globe Kids pattern from Ottobre 3/2012, but rounded the neck. Based on my experience with this shirt, I checked the pattern pieces against some of our existing T-shirts, and ended up sewing a size 134 for both boys, even though they measure a size or two smaller.
The only complaint? The Cyclist wished that I'd slimmed the shirts down for him instead.
To round it out I made this little 'Sweet Dress' for the youngest. Using broderie anglaise made it even quicker to sew, and I'm proud that I managed to go from the fabric store to finished product in less than two days. Considering that most of my stash takes a decade or so to see the light of day that has to be some sort of record!
Instead of wholly encasing the neck elastic I put two buttonholes through the dress front before sewing the casing, and threaded through elastic with some ribbon on each end. Hopefully that way it'll grow from a dress this summer to a top next year. I also left off the armhole elastic.
I've been blessed with an unexpected free hour or so, so I'm going to amble over here and here and link up and check out what others have been up to. Thanks for stopping by!