Monday, November 29, 2010

Of grapes and green striped dragonflies

What a beautiful day! I can't believe how lush and green the garden's looking with all of this rain - I'm not a waterer so my plants can't believe their luck with the weather we're having. The weeds also think they're in heaven, but that's another story.

I gave up on the husband actually getting around to planting grape vines in the designated 'vineyard' (along the back fence) over winter and succumbed to the kids' pleas for a sultana grape. I planted it at the time, but today at last got around to puting up wires to train it onto. Found a great publication by the University of Missouri showing the stages of pruning, how far apart to put the wires etc., but am now a bit demoralised by how many years it will be before we see fruit as the vine only comes half way up to the first wire.

The boy and I were amazed by this dragonfly which stayed on the fence the whole time I was working (with an electric drill and screwdriver right next to it) and well beyond. Not sure if you've ever had the opportunity to see one up close, but they have amazing green markings on their body and tail which this photo doesn't do justice.

Hope you've had fun outside today too!

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