Thursday, March 17, 2011

Scrappy Roses

I 've been feeling the call to patchwork.  I'm not sure if its all the blog references to it lately, the lure of the Gypsy Rose fabric or the need for a little time out, but yesterday I succumbed and started cutting squares for my nieces' Scrappy Leaves quilts whilst my computer was chugging through its calculations.  Normally the speed at which it was working would be cause for worry and alarm, but yesterday it just felt fortuitous - an opportunity to craft on the sly!

So here's my progress so far - 81 3" squares cut, 199 to go!  I figure I'll take it one step at a time - I have until Christmas to get these two done.

Need some inspiration?  Check out more creative spaces at Kirsty's.


  1. I out-quilted myself at craft camp recently. It was too much. But I'm hearing that call too. Nearly ready to get back on track...

  2. Good luck with that quilt! Long time since I made one.

    *sigh* I love that sewing machine :-)


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