What to do then, with the Newbie? There are heaps more girls clothes out there in retail-land than boys clothes, but why discard what you can re-use? Also, 95% of what's available for girls is heavily loaded with pink and mauve. Not my cup of tea. I've been through the pile of clothes that the Kinderboy's grown out of, and sorted between 'bin', 'op shop' and 'girlify'. Hopefully over the coming months/years I'll be able to salvage some hand-me-downs without making my little one look like too much of a tomboy.
Here's the first cab of the rank:
A cute little onesie that's pretty simple, but I thought that the blue might need a little dilution to appease those who think that all little girls should be decked out in head-to-toe pink.
These pins gave me inspiration:
I used the Martha Stewart version, but with six petals of deep red felt, with a mid-blue circle beneath the button. Because I wasn't sure how it'd wash I attached it to the onesie by press-stud so I could remove it to wash the rest:
Hmmm. I've decided that its too big and dark. I made it this size as I needed to cover both the teddy bear and the writing, and although it doesn't look so dark and imposing in real life, I think a lighter colour would have been better. I nearly didn't post this as a result, but in the interests of transparency...
I have another project on the go, so hopefully it'll be more successful!
Attaching with a press stud is a great idea!!! I've never liked the idea of using pins on kids' clothing and so have often sewn on the flower. Thanks for sharing this!!!